Our Services and Fees

Beta Reading

A beta reading service is giving a piece of your written work to an objective person (whom you can trust) and asking them to look through it as a reader, just as someone would pick up your book from a shelf and read it through. Only a Beta Reader will offer comments, constructive feedback and an objective interpretation of your writing, without judgment, and in confidence. It could be a completed application for a job, a proposal for a project, or a full length manuscript, or an essay. Any comments are usually typed and highlighted throughout a copy of your document, with a summary at the end. Please note, this is not proof reading or editing. Although sometimes objective constructive feedback can help you to expand or condense some areas of your writing.

From £25

Beta Reading and Book Reviews

All of the above, plus published reviews on Goodreads, Amazon and for your own website.

From £30, depending upon word count of your manuscript

Writing a Blog Post for your Website

Busy Corner Books provide authentic, human generated (not AI generated) blog posts. Please contact us to discuss options and copyright details.

From £15, depending upon word count

Many thanks for your really helpful comments and observations, I really appreciate your time and encouragement. R.
I have really valued Paula's encouragement and kind comments in reviews of my own books and in reading drafts of work in progress. She paid attention to detail, and provided a summary that was helpful in my objectivity as an author. R.
Wow, that was a quick turnaround, thank you, I love the comments, you made me smile - kept my motivation in tact! C.
Paula, you always make me feel comfortable, you've such a gentle calming voice. S.

We are Autism Friendly :)

Paula is a Member of the National Autistic Society

A Network Member of Autistica, the UK's leading autism research and campaigning charity

An Author Member of the Independent Authors Alliance.

Community Based Writing Group - Writing Well and Fun Interactive Talks

Busy Corner Books have a new community based writing group called 'Writing Well'. The pilot, is due to start September 2024. We are also available to be booked for a fun, encouraging talk tailored to meet your groups requirements. (Please enquire regarding our fees for talks, each one being unique.)

Booking is essential for Writing Well, as places are limited.

Writing Well is a fun, very unique, creative writing group, taking place once a month, in different Lincolnshire Wolds village locations. This is a chance to socialse and push your confidence boundaries (if you choose), especially during the colder months, free up your hidden talents, have fun, and share in a confidential environment. Both Barrie and Paula have experience in counselling and psychotherapy. While this is not a therapy group, we can help with communication, encourage budding writers to reach their true self, and to generally help you feel comfortable enough to share in a safe environment - no pressure.
Plus, we have some really nice biscuits.
The groups will be held on Saturday afternoons 1-3pm.

Writing Group: £3.00 per person. 

Question and Answer, Workshops, and Talks, please contact us for further details. Fees vary (from £30)