Our Professional Services and Fees
Beta Reading (plus Critique)
An objective person reads your written work, notes relevant comments throughout, and provides constructive feedback, with a concluding critique.
Without judgment, and in strict confidence, your written work is then read thoroughly, and delivered back to you via email.
Comments are usually typed and highlighted throughout a copy of your document, with a summary at the end.
Please note, this is not a proof reading or editing service. Beta readers record any potential inconsistencies, ask relevant questions you may not have considered, plus, outline parts of your writing, offering a different perspective. This can help you expand your thought process as a writer. It enables your own internal editor and critique to add/change or take away parts of your document, This service can be an encouraging, rewarding and motivational, following all your hard work.
Busy Corner Books beta read and critique full manuscripts, magazine and newspaper articles, job application forms, proposals, grant applications, anthologies, pamphlets and essays.
From £45 depending upon document type, word count and time frame for delivery
Beta read your manuscript, plus book review for Amazon, Goodreads, and your own website
All of the above, plus published reviews on Goodreads, Amazon and for your own website.
From £100, depending upon word count of your manuscript, and expected delivery time.
Writing a Blog Post for your Website
Busy Corner Books provide authentic, human generated (not AI generated) blog posts. Please contact us to discuss options and copyright details.
From £40, depending upon word count (ongoing and contractual packages available)
Coaching and Mentoring
How would you feel knowing there is a person metaphorically walking alongside you, rooting for your success? Someone you can 'check-in' with every few weeks (depending upon your choice), and chat about how things are coming together with your work? How would it feel knowing you can read aloud, or have the other person read aloud, your written work and share ideas and with feedback? Knowing everything is treated in strict confidence and you will not be judged, but only encouraged to be yourself within your writing. How would it feel chatting with someone prior to your book signings to alleviate nerves and concerns?
Perhaps you are a person who would like to be able to write fluently, but struggle with your internal critique of self. Maybe you would like to write more freely, as yourself, but need to develop this in a one to one situation, rather than a group of people.
Busy Corner Books provide this coaching and mentoring service, helping you grow in confidence, stick to your deadlines (achieve your goals), maintain a stressless work/life balance attracting healthy routines. We bring to our meetings 25 plus years experience in the field of counselling, psychotherapy, communication skills. Plus, over 15 years of independent writing, publishing and marketing - encouraging and assisting in getting individuals' work to the publishers/printers desk.
Virtual Meetings from £70 per hour. Each client's needs and requirements are different, (packages available) please contact us to discuss further.
Writing Well
Writing Well is a structured community focused enterprise, indirectly related to Busy Corner Books. Writing Well is available for corporate well-being contracts throughout 2025. Following an overwhelming interest from the community, we are also offering availability for paid interest to companies and organisations. All our work is contractual and treated in the strictest of confidence. To discuss this further, please contact Paula at paulaanne@busycornerbooks.com to discuss further or book your free initial virtual consultation.
Corporate Engagement
Writing exercises and team building for organisations and companies.
Need I say more?
It's fun!
Revealing to self!
And, others, if you choose.
Did you know, when a person writes congruently, they are more likely to build confidence within themselves? Thus, affecting their behaviour, and the response from others around them. Lots of people write diaries and journals. And this can be helpful personally and professionally. However,
Busy Corner Books announce their unique workshops for your team.
Assistance with,
- Company transition
- New additions to your team
- Changes in your business environment
- Coping with the old time words, 'stress' at work'
- Work/life balance
- Smoothing out differences in personality/bringing a group together again through written and verbal mediation
All our work is contracted and strictly confidential.
To discuss your requirements, please write to paulaanne@busycornerbooks.com where you can also arrange a one to one video call.